What is pain?
Pain is a sensation that body triggers to make the person understand that something is not right. It can be of two types – acute (Present at the very moment) and chronic (It’s been there for some time since the onset).
Why it is important??
Pain restricts you from moving and reducing the risk of further damage. So thereby its an alarming sign to alert you that something is wrong and have to be taken care of. Thereby its not a good idea to ignore pain. The sooner it is addressed the better are the chances of recovery with minimal damage.
How exercises can help in pain?
According to research specialists “Exercising helps our brain to release chemicals in the body which eases pain”. Thereby sleep patterns, stress and mood all can be taken care of by just merely exercising regularly.
Guidelines for exercising in pain?
Remember – Movement and exercising are key to your victory over the damage & pain.
1. Discuss your fear of pain (during or after exercise).
- We often stop exercising because of the pain and limit ourselves from various movements because of the fear of getting injured/worsening the damage. Pain induced because of exercising doesn’t always mean you are worsening the damage.
- Exercising might increase the pain, soreness or inflexibility but this is all temporary and the body’s way of re-programming itself.
- 24-48 hours is the time taken for muscle soreness to subside.
- On the road to recovery it is very important to discuss with your doctor and simply get over the hurdle as soon as possible.
2. Finding the right time to start
- There are always the presence of “ifs and buts” in your plan of exercising, get over them. Do assign a proper time of the day and prepare yourself mentally. Initially it can hurt! Start with minimal exercise regime suitable for your condition.

3. Perform what’s prescribed precisely
- It’s a myth that one exercise prescribed specially to you can cure everyone. Not all ailments needs exercise right away, always consult a trained healthcare professional doctor as they are the right individuals to guide you for the same.
- Your pain needs special care and we keep it that way, exercising wrong might worsen things hence please consult your physiotherapist to get your pain specific regimes.
- Though there are some form of general exercises which all can start like walking, light stretches, swimming, breathing techniques!
4. Warm up is the key
- Warm up is very essential to start with your exercise regime. It prepares muscles and minimizes the risk of injuries by improving the blood supply and facilitating the muscles. It should be a mandatory first step. Various forms of warm up includes: Hot packs, Light stretching, marching on the spot etc.
5. Set Goals
- Start with exercising slowly and carefully.
- Always go as per your doctor’s advice. No of sets can differ case by case.
- Keep a track of your repetitions and sets while you exercise on everyday basis.
- Do progressions as per advised to avoid pain flare ups.
6. Cool down phase
- Just like warming up was mandatory step one in the same way cooling down is the mandatory last step.To prevent muscle soreness post exercising, cooldown is needed.
- Cool down includes breathing exercise regimes and cold packs (5-10 mins).
This information should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment as this is for informational purposes only. One must consult their healthcare provider before making any healthcare decisions. Any damage, loss or injury suffered by an individual as a result of reliance on the information contained on this site is neither the responsibility nor the liability of Orthocure Clinics.