Sciatica is an umbrella term people usually use to classify symptoms which are associated with pain and radiation in the legs and foot which usually comes after an episode of back pain or as a result of disc herniation. It usually is a result of disc bulge or disc herniation which compresses the sciatic nerve going from your buttocks to your thighs, legs and feet.
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What is Sciatica?
Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the path of the sciatic nerve which can be as a result of a disc bulge or herniated disc. This pain usually travels from your lower back to your hips, thighs and down each leg till the toes depending on the severity of compression.
Symptoms of Sciatica
Sciatica is typically described as a Pain that radiates from your lower (lumbar) spine to your buttock and down the back of your leg and foot. You can feel a radiating pain like pins and needles and also can feel numb at times. Sometimes it can feel like a jolt or electric shock. It can be worse when you or sneeze, and prolonged sitting or walking.
Does Sciatica take a long time to heal?
Sciatica can be acute or chronic. An acute episode may last between two to three weeks but if not taken care of with proper rehabilitation it makes you prone to more frequent episodes around the year making it more complicated and difficult to manage. Chronic episodes usually can take some moths to resolve.
How can i relieve myself of Sciatica pain?
Rest, Activity modifications, Posture modifications, Light stretches, Hot/cold packs, Good exercise regime suiting your condition can give you relief from Sciatica.
Is Sciatica Curable?
Sciatica is usually curable by conservative management of few weeks following a strength training protocol for your back but some may require surgery depending on the severity.
What Causes Sciatica?
Sciatica is usually curable by conservative management of few weeks following a strength training protocol for your back but some may require surgery depending on the severity.
What can make Sciatica worse?
Certain positions and movements can worsen the pain. Poor posture, Heavy lifting, long travels and brisk walking are few to consider. These can make the pain worse and coughing can cause more of the “jelly” to leak out, potentially causing or worsening the pain.
What Should i avoid if i have Sciatica?
- Sitting in bad postures for prolonged period of time.
- Long travels by .
- Heavy Lifting
- Sports activities
- Walking for long distances
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