Orthocure offers 100% customized insoles from FootBalance
Patient Success Stories for Foot & Ankle
Case 1 :
Flat Foot
Name: Anita Sharma
Age: 60
Complaints & Symptoms: Difficulty in walking,intense pain and because of the fear of walking use to wear same set of shoes from past couple of years, she use to feel foot bones touching the ground while walking and pain in the arch of the foot and the sides of the foot along with calf muscles.,Collapsed arch was present with foot alignment altered and so the walking pattern
Protocols Followed: Her foot analysis was done and accordingly an insole was made for her followed by foot adjustment sessions and some exercises for the foot and leg
Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Patient got the confidence of wearing different shoes with less pain while walking, her lifestyle improved a lot and she is managing her foot pain very well with resistance exercises to maintain the strength.
I am very happy with the insoles and the foot adjustments which I have been given, after 15 yrs for the first time I wore wedge heel and it made me feel fantastic.My pain has been reduced and I can walk for longer without any discomfort.Its like getting my life back again which I can enjoy on my feets.
Case 2 :
Name: Rachna Gupta
Age: 38
Complaints & Symptoms: Pain in the arch of the foot, esp aggravated in the morning or when get up after sitting for long. Calf muscles also feel tired.
Protocols Followed: Ultrasonic therapy followed by cold pack, Release of plantarfascia with cupping therapy and an insole was made to support her arch and correct foot alignment as after the foot nanlysis we found her foot was going out of alignment.
Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Pain was not so continuous now and walking was muh more easier, she has been put on some exercises for home.
She is a very good doctor . She explains the problem very well and patiently. Has good knowledge of bones and muscles. I got good relief from plantar fasciatis problem.
Case 1 :
Foot Pain & Toe Spurs
Name: Vimal Arya
Age: 70
Complaints & Symptoms: pain in both the feet at the metacarpal heads. Since 1-2 years.
Sometimes feel burning sensation. There is difficulty in walking for long, has shown to orthopaedist and they have prescribed Gaba neurons medicines and pain killer but there is no relief
Protocols Followed: We proceeded with foot adjustments some exercises and cold pack and we managed her foot pain and burning sensation. Some sessions of ultrasonic therapy were also given for the spurs. Advised an insole
Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Burning sensation below the foot was treated with some sessions of adjustments, Patient was able to resume her daily routine of walks
Finally the diagnosis was accurate and whatever the doctor did with the gun (foot adjustments) gave me immense relief from foot pain and burning sensation .Highly recommended
Foot & Ankle Pain
Our feet are a complex structure consist of 26 small bones and more than 30 small joints along with muscles, tendons, ligaments and nerves and most importantly the arches. Arches of the foot plays an important part in our body mechanics while we stand, walk, jump or play sports. They provide us support and bounce so that the small structures of the foot are not under stress and minimizes their wear and tear overtime which can result in joint pain or damage to the plantarfascia causing its inflammation. We bear our whole-body weight on the foot thereby its alignment and strength plays an integral part in maintaining overall wellbeing.
If any of the above said is not in alignment, arches are low or high, you feel discomfort in toes, heels or sole, weakness in muscles, tight kinetic chain, Faulty biomechanics of foot, knee and hip, lifestyle choices, wearing wrong shoes or high heels can all result in foot and ankle pain. This can be associated with swelling, increased warmth, stiffness, difficulty to put down first step in morning, continuous intense pain or dull ache that remains there upon weight bearing or during ankle motion.
In most of the instances the foot pain is not permanent and goes by its own but in case you have started developing continuous pain and it lasts for say 2-3 months it’s time to get a screening done. Screening should involve history taking, observation, palpation, physical examination, checking the arches of the foot, foot alignment, ruling out X-ray findings, testing the strength of the muscles in and around the joint, testing other parts of the kinetic chain which might be the culprit and reaching to a diagnosis. Some very common foot conditions we come across is flat foot, plantarfascitis, ankle sprain, heel and foot spurs, weakness of intrinsic muscles, faulty weight bearing mechanics.
Foot pain should be addressed as soon as you discover that its not going with general advices, pain killers, exercises through you tube videos etc etc. A proper customised care plan is needed to take care of it in case you want to get rid of it as foot is the most integral part of our body system as we stand and bear weight on IT!!
Till you see your physiotherapist regarding your foot pain its better to follow certain advices from our experts-
- Avoid wearing old worn out shoes.
- Avoid wearing high heels. 2 inch can still be fine.
- In case you can’t avoid heels choose a platform one.
- Do regular stretches of your whole lower body.
- Encourage ankle foot pump movements to boost in circulation.
- Do some strengthening of the small muscles of foot and ankle like- picking up stones, rolling towel, rolling a cold bottle under your feet.
- Maintain foot hygiene.
- Use Epsom salt water dips for 20 mins a day for effective pain management.
- Maintain a healthy weight. Try getting customised insoles to correct your foot alignment and evenly distribute your body weight.
Ankle sprain is very common type of ankle injury affecting the ligaments (connective tissues connecting bone to bone for stability) of the ankle. It usually is a result of twisting injury which is often seen in people who play sports, indulge in high impact activities like skiing, hip-hop dance etc or people who wear high heeled shoes most of the times. This twist causes there ligaments to stretch pass their capability thereby causing tearing. Depending on the severity it can be classifeied in 3 grades.
GRADE 1 – Mild damage to the ligament (usually a overstretch) resulting in pain, swelling and discomfort without any instability.
GRADE 2 – Moderate damage that the ligament partially tears resulting in pain, swelling and discomfort. Unable to bear weight on the foot.
GRADE 3 – complete rupture of the ligament resulting in marked bruising and instability in ankle joint.
- Sports activities which have high probability of ankle twists like basketball, tennis, skateboarding.
- High impact fitness routines like running on uneven surfaces, hip-hop dancing, Salsa dancing.
- Injury like slipping from stairs or twisting of foot on high heels.
- The risk increases in case:
You have weak foot and leg muscles.
You have flat foot.
Improper footwear.
Wearing high heeled shoes.
- X-RAY- to rule out fracture.
- Physical Examination- to assess ROM and see whether its Inversion (lateral) ankle sprain or eversion (medial) ankle sprain.
- MRI- in case doctor suspects grade 3 injury to rule out the need of surgery.
Why does the ankle pain keep coming back?
If your ankle pain is coming back every now and then that means the root cause was not identified. The root cause could be below or above ankle joint. The entire kinetic chain (foot, knee, hip, pelvic back and head) needs to be assessed to rule the exact root cause followed by the treatment.
For example, foot over pronation (flat foot) put more stress over the heel and Achilles tendon leading to recurrent ankle pain..
Is there a cure for ankle pain?
You can do PRICE
- P: PROTECTION- with ankle brace/ Kinesiotaping to restrict the motion
- R: REST- for 2-3 days or till the signs of inflammation are resolved
- I: ICE- for 10-15 mins 3-4 times/day to minimize further injury, reduce swelling and accelerate healing.
- C: COMPRESSION- Crepe bandage/ Space Kinesiotaping to enhance the fluid movement
- E: ELEVATION- Keep 2-3 pillows under the leg to enhance the fluid movement which helps in reducing swelling.
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
- Orthotics: insoles to provide equal weight distribution
- Followed by gentle ankle exercises, weight bearing exercises and weight reduction.
- If no relief is attained then consult your therapist and physician to cure your ankle pain.
What are the signs of arthritis in your ankles?
Arthritis of ankle joint shows following signs and symptoms:
- Pain: dull/aching/sharp or intense pain in lower leg, back or middle foot.
- Swelling:
- Stiffness and restricted range of motions in ankle
- Popping or crunching sound (crepitus)
- Instability
- Limping while walking
Getting treatment in early stages of arthritis can significantly slow the progression of symptoms.
Can ankle pain develop without an injury?
Ankle pain can also develop without injury. Altered foot position, altered biomechanics of knee, hip or pelvis, poorly fitted shoes, turf can cause ankle pain without any episode of injury or trauma. Consult your physiotherapist or chiropractor for full posture assessment.
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Not every bone and muscle condition
needs a surgery!
Orthocure offers surgery free treatment for your orthopaedic problems. Our 4 Point protocols and international medical equipment helps us in bringing accuracy and rectifying your problem with our regular exercise plans without any surgery.
India's 1st chain of specialty clinics for Orthopaedic problems
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After we get some information from you, we’ll set up a time to discuss your issue in further detail.
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3 locations all over Gurgaon
Your friendly neighborhood Clinic for all bone and muscle conditions
DLF Phase – V
Nirvana Country
Sector 40

Our unique 4 point protocol allows for an all round approach.
We start with the right diagnostics, and then proceed to initial pain relief and structural corrections to treat the condition of the root cause of the ailment.