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Only Clinic in India where Orthopaedists, Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Fitness and Foot Orthotics experts work together under one roof to make you better.

Orthocure’s Spine Treatment & Strengthening Program

Integrated Spine Speciality

Orthocure Clinics is the only clinic in India to put together an integrated team of highly skilled spine specialists, comprising Orthopaedic doctors, Musculoskeletal Spine Therapists and International of Chiropractic, providing an all-round care and complete treatment under one roof.

Globally Acclaimed Technologies

Orthocure is the only clinic in India to introduce MedX, USA for treating chronic back pain and neck pain. We also have Spinal Decompression machine from CDPC Canada for non-surgical treatment of disc problems like slip disc and radiating pain. At Orthocure we make use of advanced technology to accurately diagnose the root cause of back and neck pain and effectively treat them.

Treatment Of The Root Cause

At Orthocure clinic, the expert therapists don’t just work on giving pain relief. They prepare a customized treatment plan for treating the root cause of the problem. Resolving of the root cause will ensure that pain does not reoccur.

Medx Machine

Spine Treatment Protocols at Orthocure

Spine is affected by a multitude of factors like changing lifestyle, poor posture and ageing among others. Over time it results in conditions which can trigger back and neck pain and if not treated properly can lead to chronic back & neck pain.

Back pain treatment

Weak Core Muscles

Slipped disc treatment

Degenerative Spine

Spine clinic gurgaon

Mis-aligned Spine

Sciatica treatment

Disc Problems


At Orthocure we work on a complete 360 degree approach to tackle each and every aspect of your spine .

What makes our Back & Neck Treatment Program so effective

Orthocure has a panel of Gurgaon’s top Orthopaedic Spine Specialists who are experts in examining and treating conditions of back & neck. Collectively the team has several years of experience of operating the most complex cases of lumbar, thoracic and cervical spine such as, disc prolapse, deformities, degenerative diseases.

At Orthocure, the Spine specialists take a thorough examination and use special tests to correctly diagnose the problem and identify the root cause. They then work with the team of therapists to prepare a customized plan for the treatment, comprising of medicines, advanced therapies, chiropractic adjustments and core muscle strengthening. The goal is to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, correct the spinal alignment and build core strength. They continuously monitor the status throughout the recovery phase until desired treatment goals are achieved.

In rare cases, when necessary, the Orthopaedic spine specialists will recommend surgical modality for treatment. Our spine specialists undertake surgeries at leading hospitals in Gurgaon.

A of chiropractic is a neuromusculoskeletal specialist with expertise in the treatment of spinal disorders using non-invasive techniques. Our of Chiropractic is a foreign-trained who is licensed by the Indian Association of Chiropractic Doctors.

Chiropractors are specially trained to diagnose and treat all nerve, muscle, tissue, and disc problems arising from the spine. This is done through a highly specific, safe, and effective treatment called the “chiropractic adjustment”. The adjustments restore the correct alignment of the spine which is vital for the treatment of chronic back and neck pain.

We have a team of highly skilled physiotherapists who are certified in the most advanced techniques to resolve back and neck pain. At Orthocure the spine therapists are experienced examine, diagnose and treat severe cases of back and neck pain. They use a range of therapies such as advanced electrotherapy, mobilization, muscle releases, functional movements, advanced techniques like dry needling, kinesio taping and dynamic cupping.

Spine therapists at Orthocure anchor the entire 360-degree treatment approach and provide pain relief, structural correction, core strengthening, and wellness in a step by step manner. We also use the most advanced equipment and machines to effectively treat chronic back and neck pain.

Orthocure Clinic offers the first and only facility of MedX, USA in India.

  • MedX Lumbar Extension machine is considered the “gold standard” in USA, for treatment and prevention of chronic back pain.
  • Most cases of chronic back pain are bio-mechanical issues, MedX has a special mechanism to isolate & strengthen weak core muscles of the back.
  • MedX treatment protocol is evidence-based and the program was developed after years of research at the of Florida, USA FDA, USA approved with over 15 years of successful application in the USA and worldwide.

The MedX treatment protocol

  • Consultation: An assessment by a team of spine specialists is done first to ascertain your readiness for MedX protocol.
  • Initial Testing: You will undergo a test on MedX which measures the strength of your core back muscles. It gives you an accurate view of where you stand as compared to an average healthy person matching your profile.
  • Progressive Resistive Exercise: The MedX exercise routine consists of 16 to 24 sessions with 2 sessions per week. The Resistive exercise progresses at your pace hence making it extremely efficient in building core muscle strength.

Orthocure Clinic offers Non-surgical Spinal decompression therapy from Canadian Decompression and Pain Center, Canada. Spinal Decompression therapy is primarily used to treat disc injuries of the lower back. Due to accidents or lifestyle-related factors like being in a desk job or poor posture, the disc between spinal vertebrae may get compressed. This could lead to various disc-related problems like slip disc, disc herniation, or sciatica. Spinal Decompression treats the disc injuries across its various stages.
How does Spinal Decompression therapy work?

  • It “decompresses” the spinal structure.
  • There are a series of cycles of decompression and partial relaxation which promotes the diffusion of and nutrients into the disc.
  • Spinal decompression is a targeted treatment for the specific area of the spine where there is a disc injury.

Spinal Decompression treatment protocol

  • Consultation: An assessment by a team of spine specialists is done to ascertain the need for spinal decompression treatment for your spine.
  • Each session of spinal decompression lasts for about 30-45 minutes. During the decompression time, the patient stays in relaxed, lying downstate.
  • It may take 12-20 sessions of decompression treatment to treat the specific disc injury depending upon your condition.

Patient Success Stories for Back & Neck pain

Back Pain
Neck Pain
Back Pain
Chronic Radiating Pain
Sciatica (Radiating back pain)
SI Joint Dysfunction
Post Surgical Relapse Cases
Chronic Radiating Pain

Case 1 : Chronic radiating pain and Parasthesia

Name: Mr. Manohar Lal Bhatia
Age: 70

Complaints & Symptoms: Back pain with radiating pain in legs and parasthesia.

Protocols Followed: Hot Pack, Matrix,Laser,Manual release,Dry needling,Strengthening Exercises.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Patient was painfree and was able to walk. Activities of daily living were done easily.


I am relieved from the pain that I have come with. Blessings to orthocure.

Case 2 : Chronic back pain for 10 years after doing deadlifts in the gym

Name: Withheld
Age: Withheld

Complaints & Symptoms: Persisting back pain and discomfort and difficulty in resuming with the initial intensity of gym exercises, including weight lifting.

Protocols Followed: Thorough initial examination, at-home exercise regime, spinal decompression sessions, Needling, Cupping, Tapping, core strengthening on MedX and maintenance exercises.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: The patient became pain-free and resumed weight lifting in the gym again.

Case 3 : Chronic back problem with pain radiating to the left hip.

Name: Ashish Chauhan
Age: 30

Complaints & Symptoms: Persisting back problem turning more severe for the past few months with pain radiating to the left hip.

Protocols Followed: Physiotherapy sessions with prescribed medications, Spinal Decompression sessions, Dry Needling, Manual Therapy and treatment using MedX

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: The patient has felt a noticeable difference in his back condition, pain alleviation and comfort after a long time.

Sciatica (Radiating back pain)

Case 1 : Ongoing pain in the lower back.

Name: Jasmine
Age: 42 years

Complaints & Symptoms: Ongoing pain and discomfort in the lower back.

Protocols Followed: Spinal Decompression sessions, Dry Needling, Muscle Releases, Pelvic Adjustments, MedX strength training.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: The patient has returned to normal life with a much stronger back without any pain and discomfort.

Case 2 : Radiating back pain.

Name: Withheld
Age: Withheld

Complaints & Symptoms: Back pain and discomfort that radiated to other body parts.

Protocols Followed: Spinal Decompression and Physiotherapy sessions.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: The patient emerged from the sessions feeling much better with alleviated back pain and discomfort.


Case 1 : Radiating back pain.

Name: Mr. S Bhatia
Age: 40

Complaints & Symptoms: Low back pain radiating down to left leg till heel, Mild tingling sensation was also present in left calf.

Protocols Followed: Spinal decompression, dry needling, cupping, taping, Medx for strengthening.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: reported his back and leg pain symptoms are completely resolved. Moreover he can feel strength in his back and started playing cricket which was his major goal.


Case:1 Ongoing back pain for two years shooting up and down, hindering daily activities.

< p>Name: Sonam Kaur
Age: 46 years

Complaints & Symptoms: Ongoing back pain with changes in intensity for over two years that became unbearable before seeking treatment at Orthocure Clinics causing difficulty in sleeping, standing and sitting.

Protocols Followed: Cupping Therapy, Stretching and Strengthening exercises.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: The patient is still undergoing treatment but has noticed a stark reduction in back pain after 5 sessions with daily activities like sleeping, standing and sitting becoming comfortable.

SI Joint Dysfunction

Case:1 Muscular Pain + SI joint dysfunction

Name: Mr. Sunbir Wadhwa
Age: 46 years

Complaints & Symptoms: Low back pain especially on prolonged sitting or travel with intermittent increase in back pain and stiffness.

Protocols Followed: Lumbar MedX and SI joint alignment correction

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Better with no fresh complaints. Is currently on Maintenance protocol of MedX.

I came to Orthocure after undergoing physiotherapy (for my lower back issues) at another center for nearly 2 months. Having patiently undergone treatment at another 'popular' center without satisfactory results, I was quite skeptical about what to expect from Orthocure, as it was an unknown Centre. I had no recommendation from any known sources. I had come across Orthocure while googling the net. What followed was the 3 month treatment program of MedX which yielded excellent results. Initially Dr. Meenal and then Dr. Meeta guided me through the program. I was explained in detail what was causing the problem and how it would be treated and rectified. The program started yielding visible results after the first few sittings. While it was not smooth sailing always, as my problem was complicated, Dr. Meeta dealt with all the surprises and customized my treatment accordingly. Now at the end of 3 month program, I am completely satisfied with the results and would without any hesitation 'Fully' recommend the services of Orthocure & Dr. Meeta to anyone facing similar, lower back issues.

Post Surgical Relapse Cases

Case 1 : Post-surgical relapse Low back pain with radiating pain (Lumbar Canal Stenosis).

Name: Mr. Mohit Wason
Age: 31 years

Complaints & Symptoms: LBP with radiating pain in both Lower extremities. Was bent on one side (prominent hard list) with difficulty walking/ standing for 5 mins.

Protocols Followed: McKenzie for list correction, Lumbar Spinal Decompression therapy and Low back MedX

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: No more back pain or in the legs. Is able to walk pain free. Even participates in Marathons.


Visited for Low back pain with difficulty walking or even standing for 5 mins and was even bent on one side. Had tried a lot of other treatments like basic physiotherapy, acupuncture and magnetic therapy but my condition only kept getting worse.
I had to undergo spine surgery. A few weeks after the surgery I had a relapse of all my symptoms along with the list. I was advised Re-surgery by 2 prominent Orthopedic surgeons. But Dr. Deepti Rani, who specializes in spine, took up the challenge and corrected my list with McKenzie protocol. Then she put me on a unique treatment of Spinal Decompression therapy form Canada. My symptoms gradually reduced and was able to walk taller, straighter and pain free. I was then put on a specialized back strengthening protocol from USA, Florida- the MedX machine. With the help of MedX, I now feel stronger and more confident about my back. One of the biggest assessment of my recovery is that now I walk to the clinic for my regular checkups which is 6 Kms away from my home. I would without a doubt recommend Orthocure clinic to any one in pain and a must visit before going in for a surgery.

Neck Pain
Chronic Radiating Pain
Radiating (Cervical)
Chronic Radiating Pain

Case 1 : Chronic neck pain with giddiness and stiffness in neck

Name: Mrs. Satya Tyagi
Age: 74

Complaints & Symptoms: Severe neck pain from past 6- 7 years. Neck movement was restricted. Patient was complaining of nausea and vomiting due to neck pain.

Protocols Followed: Hot Pack, Matrix,Laser, Chiro adjustments,Manual releases, Muscle Energy Techniques, Exercises.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Patient was painfree and relieved from giddiness and stiffness. She was able to do her daily activities easily.

The treatment I received here gave me relief from very old pain that I was suffering from. Thank you to Orthocure.

Case 2 : Neck pain muscular

Name: Mr. Gopinath akundy
Age: 44 years

Complaints & Symptoms: Severe Pain and stiffness in the neck due to which pat. Had to take painkillers every time.

Protocols Followed: Dry Needling, stretching exercises and MedX neck strengthening program

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Decrease in pain and stiffness in neck as well as increase the strength in the neck muscles and he stopped taking painkillers.

I have spondylitis problem. Along with this got weak neck & upper back muscles with chronic pain in that area. With the dry needling my pains were relieved. With the help of Dr. Ruchita Agarwal I learned stretching exercises for neck and upper back region with and without theraband. Also undergone three months Med X sessions as per her advice to strengthen the neck muscles. The readings of muscle strength and muscle balance were gradually improved over those three months. Currently I am on maintenance mode on Med X to maintain the neck muscle strength and balance. Combination of muscle strengthening equipment, dry needling, stretching exercises and cold/hot pack therapy reduced the medication intake of muscle relaxants and pain killers. I would recommend orthocure for those looking for advanced ortho services where they got Orthopedicians, Physiotherapists, along with latest equipment on muscle strengthening for neck/back.

Radiating (Cervical)

Case 1 : Chronic neck Pain Radiating to arms

Name: Mr Naresh Sharma
Age: 68 years

Complaints & Symptoms: Pain in the left arm esp. comes with reaching activities and eating food on dining table, Taking back of the neck was limited & painful, difficulty and restriction felt in looking sideways and bending of the neck side to side was painful & restricted, Spasm of the cervical muscles Osteoporotic.

Protocols Followed: Patient was put on the Mulligans mobilization with neural mobilization followed by hot packs, Ergonomics advice and some set of exercises using resistive bands to work on strength.

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: Patients arm tingling was drastically reduced and was maintain a much better posture, was put on some home exercise program to maintain his muscular strength.

I came here on the recommendation of a friend doctor and my experience here was unbelievable. I met Dr Meenal Sharma and Dr Aakriti. Their behaviour is beyond words. Very nice and Courteous. Treatment given by Dr Meenal took me to a different world.I had different opinions about physiotherapists but coming here changed my Attitude. All the Best


Case 1 : Spondylitis

Name: Mr. R
Age: 31 years

Complaints: Complaint of pain and stiffness in the entire back, more in lower back

Protocols Followed: Dry Needling, Cupping, Matrix Therapy, Cold packs, and TENS therapy

Patient Condition on completion of treatment: The patient became pain-free but still he was advised to maintain the active and healthy lifestyle throughout his life


When do i see a for back & neck pain?

If your back pain is more or less continuous throughout the day or affecting your daily routine or radiating to your legs and is accompanied by numbness, you should get to see your right away. Any unusual weakness should also be evaluated.

Which specialist do i see for back pain treatment?

For your back pain the thumb rule is to start with conservative management in case its non-traumatic and see a specialist who can help you. This can include a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Orthopaedist or a Spine Specialist. They can evaluate your condition and offer appropriate treatment to help alleviate your pain.

Will back pain heal itself over time?

Back pain usually goes away on its own in case its non-traumatic. About 90 percent of patients with low back pain will recover within 6 weeks of following good posture habits, regular exercises, taking hot/cold packs as a regime, intake of good diet and daily stretches. Visit your therapist for accurate advice to treat your back pain.

Is lower back pain common in females?

Females have higher prevalence of low back pain (LBP) across all age groups, male vs. female difference in LBP prevalence further increases after female menopause age. Postmenopausal women show accelerated disc degeneration due to relative estrogen deficiency.

What causes lower back pain?

Most commonly, mechanical issues, soft-tissue injuries and weakness of core muscles are the cause of low back pain. These can further result in damage to the intervertebral discs, compression of nerve roots, and improper movement at the spinal joints. The single most common cause of lower back pain is a torn or pulled muscle and/or ligament.

How do I find treatment for lower back pain?

Basic remedies applied at home can be effective for treating mild or acute pain from muscle strain, as well as reducing the effects of chronic, severe pain. The method includes- Short rest period, Activity modification, Posture modification, Ice and head therapy and over the counter medication. In case these are not giving your relief, you can take the treatment of lower back pain at your nearest therapist or physician.

Do i need to see a for lower back pain?

If your back pain is from a recent strain or mild injury try home care for atleast 3 days in case if it’s still unmanageable or accompanied by other symptoms such as numbness or tingling in your arms or legs than see a right away.

Chiropractor in Gurgaon
We provide 360 degree solutions for your condition

Our unique 4 point protocol allows for an all round approach.

We start with the right diagnostics, and then proceed to initial pain relief and structural corrections to treat the condition of the root cause of the ailment.

Diagnostic Test

Initial Pain


Maintenance &

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